Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Caladiums in Red Clay

Hello Anne-

I have been trying to get answer on what to do about this red (clay) dirt that I have in my yard. I'm a new to gardening and I would like to plant some Caladiums and Hosta, but it seems to be impossible with this dirt. What kind of flowers do you suggest for me to plant in a sunny yard with no trees around, and do I need to use mulch with any plants. Thank you for any help that you can give me.

Anne's response

Caladiums and Hosta are plants the love to grow in the shade so if you wish to grow them you will need trees to provide that shade. Red clay soil has wonderful mineral content for plants and it holds moisture but it does need to be amended with composted organic material such as manure and leaf mulch. You till the ground to a depth of at least 8 inches, add a 6 inch layer of organic material on top and till that in. You are then able to grow roses, daylilies, chrysanthemums, Shasta daisies, iris, asters, phlox and even tomato plants.

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