Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bulbs planted too early?

Hi Anne- I am NEW to gardening and recently had a lot of beds put in with lovely soil, trim , mulch but no plants yet! I live in Northwest Arkansas I saw all the lovely bulbs at Home Depot and bought a big bag. I assumed if they were at the store, it was time to plant them! My grandma has now mentioned ( after they are all in the ground and covered with dirt and mulch!) that she fears it's too early to plant them and they may sprout early or worse, not bloom in the spring as they will be confused. I went back and read the label on the bag and it does show on the chart they should be planted October/November Should I dig them up ? When should I plant the others I purchased for optimal results?

Julianne D.

Anne's response:

Bulbs can be forgiving so I would not do anything to the ones you have put in the ground. Tulips and daffodils can be purchased in stores in August and September. Keep them in a cool, dark place until the first frost. The ground will then be cool enough for the bulbs to start developing roots and get ready for their spring growth. Always read the planting instructions carefully and remember that northwest Arkansas is in zone 7 or zone 6 on most planting instructions.

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